Hi, I'm Uzair Mirza. I am

I am currently working as a Backend Software Developer. As a Data-Driven Problem Solver, I have a passion for using data to uncover insights to derive conclusions.
With experience in Statistical Analysis, Data Visualization, and Machine Learning I aspire to always add value and continue learning!

About memy stats

Brief Intro

Having a strong passion for first-principle thinking I have the inclination to pick up new concepts and build things around them.

In my primary domain, I focus on Python, SQL, R, & BI-tools to extract, process, analyze and present data. On top of that, I am heavily invested in the current ML world of applied Deep Learning & Neural Nets.

My Core Skills





Ms. Office 365


Web Dev




BI(Power BI, Tableau)



Machine Learning

Regression, Clustering, Dimensionality reduction(PCA, t-SNE, ...). Deep Learning & Neural Nets(CNN, RNN, LSTM, GAN, LLM, ...), NLP, Computer Vision. Optimization & Learning Algorithms, analysis and implementation.


Continuous, Categorical and Time series data analysis methodologies. Markov Chains & Monte-Carlo Simulation. Hypothesis testing, Survey & Sampling, Inference & Prediction. Bootstrapping, Simulation and multiple Statistical modeling techniques.

BI - Business Intelligence

Data visualization and Dashboards(Power BI, Tableau). Report writing and presentation, MS Office 365, Markdown. Social Media Marketing, SEO and SEM.


OOP, Data Structures, Graphs, Bash, File handling, Package Management, Documentation, Version control(git, SVN), Design Patterns, Scrums


Scrapping, Cleaning(verification and validation), Transformation, and, Storage & Retrieval. Database; query & design.


Python(Pandas, NumPy, TensorFlow, PyTorch, ... ), Java. html, CSS, JS, JSON and more.

Featured ProjectsMy Projects

Project Source

Factors Influencing Cyber Security Precautionary Measures

Observational study conducted using real world data sets from Stats Canada. Used Data Engineering, Statistical Testing and Data Modeling Techniques to derive final results.

Project Source

Canadian Election Prediction

Predicting election using data from CES & GSS. Multiple Data Engineering and Data Extraction techniques were used to merge and transform the data to the right form. Statistical Methodologies along with Data Modeling was used to achieve the results.

Project Source

Towards Better VR-Waist Prediction

Deep Learning for predicting waist position in VR using limited sensors. Mixamo along with Unity3D was used to generation data and visualize the results. PyTorch was used for data augmentation and modeling purposes.

Project Source

e-Games Marketplace

Market place built utilizing strong OOP functionality. A collaborative project managed using Version Control and regular Scrums. Multiple Design Patterns along with Testing Suite were utilized for each component.

Project Source


Co-Authorship of a book for University of Toronto, Statistical Science Department. I covered and documented functionality of R language. Apart from basic content my primary role was to cover DiagrammeR a package for visualizing multiple forms of Graphs.

Project Source

ADAM -ML Optimization Algorithm Analysis

ADAM; the most popular Gradient Descent Optimizer. Broke down the reasoning behind ADAM and it's predecessors(Adagrad, RMSprop) and other optimizer. Tested the assumptions and presented the use cases where the optimizer fails.

Contact MeContact


Riyadh, Saudi Arabia




University Of Toronto(Data Science & ML)




English, Urdu